Mar 28, 2023Liked by From Ritual to Romance

Your insights here add to the strength if the comments you made shortly after the MSU shooting.

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Mar 24, 2023Liked by From Ritual to Romance

I had no idea you'd lived through a mass shooting. Although back in 1975 that had to have been a ridiculously unusual event. The only thing I can think of prior, that would have been only very vaguely comparable, was Charles Whitman shooting students from the University of Texas tower in the 1960s. That, was, like, an outrageous event as I understand it, and I think he was suffering from some kind of brain tumour. I don't remember this story; I was living in Florida at the time but in May 1975 my family probably didn't pay attention because we were under a lot of stress; my father was about to get laid off from work and we didn't know what would happen next.

I do vaguely remember Polytechnique although I don't think I paid much attention at the time because by 1989, mass shootings had become so common in the US we called it 'going postal'. Back then they were often due to workplace frustrations (I have a book on them here at home).

Now I'm absolutely disgusted at how commonplace they've become. I have no idea of what has happened to my people; but the cult of individualism and of course the NRA gun cult have a lot to do with it. Funny how they can do something about abortions they don't like, but their hands are tied when it comes to mass shootings, even in the schools. Sandy Hook happened about 45 mnutes from where I used to live in CT; if baby brains splattered all over a classroom walls (sorry to be so graphic) weren't enough to pull Republican heads out of their asses, nothing would.

I am so, so glad I live here now. I hope you and your hubby stay safe in Michigan; I have a bad feeling about living *anywhere* in the Ignited States.

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